6 Reasons Why You Use Skincare Products But Your Skin Doesn't Care

If you are blessed with a very good skin, you can confidently go about your day without the need for an extensive six to seven-step skincare routine. You're likely one of God's favorites, while the rest of us are perhaps God's resilient soldiers, bravely facing daily skincare battles.

In the quest of getting a flawless and healthy skin, many of us have diligently followed skincare routines from ‘top to bottom.’ Sadly, it is frustrating to say that our skin has left us puzzled and disheartened. 

Picture this: a myriad of skincare products adorning your bathroom shelf, each boasting the potential for luminous, glowing skin, yet somehow failing to meet our expectations. 

Now, the burning question arises: What factors create a barrier between us and the attainment of our perfect skin? Why does our skin not respond as expected, despite the sincere efforts we invest in our skincare routine?

Despite dedicating both time and financial resources, it's a common tale to face the harsh reality that our skin appears indifferent to our efforts.

Let's explore six compelling reasons that might contribute to this perplexing lack of responsiveness, diving into the intricate dynamics that impact our skin's receptiveness to our well-intentioned care.

Why your skin may not be as enthusiastic as you are:

  1. Overloading your skin.


You're eager to try it all! Before you've even finished product A, you're already onto product F because you've heard it's the one that "works!" Constantly switching from one skincare product to another can leave your skin feeling bewildered.

I've been there – battling acne and willing to try anything that promised results. From experimenting with black soaps to moisturizers and sunscreens, I didn't give my skin a chance to breathe.The truth is, my approach was ineffective, and my skin wasn't benefiting.

It was only when I acknowledged the futility of my efforts that I decided to stick with one product. I chose ftbglownigeria, and honestly, my skin has been thanking me every day.

Instead of overwhelming your skin with an array of unfinished products, consider a more disciplined approach. Seek a product that genuinely works for your skin, and resist the urge to accumulate numerous unfinished items on your shelf.

Remember, we're aiming for glowing skin, not running a skincare shop. Quality over quantity is the key to achieving the healthy and vibrant skin you desire.


   2. Unrealistic Expectations.


You want your skin looking like a glazed doughnut in two weeks. Chelsea, come on now! Let's be realistic and crunch the numbers.

Achieving a flawless skin in two weeks is akin to expecting a course on becoming a billionaire in 30 days– impossible!

Let's cut through the falsehoods; skincare is no magic wand. Results from skincare products demands luxury of time. Succumbing to impatience might tempt you into unnecessary product swaps or overuse of product application, disrupting the delicate balance of your skin's natural process.

Think of it like a growing plant – you can't rush the process. Attaining a radiant skin is a journey, not a sprint. So, be patient, give your skincare routine the time it needs to work its wonders.


   3. Wrong products.


You might be surprised, thinking, "How am I using the wrong products?" It happens to many people.The thing is, a lot of people aren't sure about their skin type. They mix and match without really understanding what suits them best.

Using the wrong products is one of the primary culprits behind lackluster results. Before diving into skincare, it's crucial to consult with professionals – like a dermatologist or an esthetician, not your friend who just started a beauty parlor last week.

These professionals can analyze your skin, figuring out what it needs and what it doesn't. They help you avoid the trial-and-error phase that many individuals experience when experimenting with random products.

Skincare isn't a guessing game; it requires a thoughtful and informed approach. Professionals guide you away from potential pitfalls, preventing damage or setbacks caused by incompatible or inappropriate products. It's like having a personalized roadmap for your skincare journey.


   4. Over Exfoliating.


Some people's skin is really screaming for help – yes, I said it. You want that smooth and glowing skin, but trying too hard might mean taking away good skin cells and oils, leaving your skin feeling a bit raw and exposed.

Here's what over exfoliating does to your skin:

It can introduce a lot of potential risks to your skin, encompassing issues such as dryness, irritation, heightened sensitivity, breakouts, microtears, a compromised skin barrier, uneven skin tone, and increased vulnerability to the sun's effects.

That's why it's important to keep things in check. We need to be easy, think a bit, and find a balance in how we do our exfoliation thing. That way, we can avoid these issues and keep our skin feeling good and healthy.


Now, this might come as a surprise to some, but I'll share it nonetheless.


   5. Lack of sleep.


I know a lot of us are sitting pretty on this table. After diligently doing all the skincare routine, only to later engage in prolonged sessions of scrolling through TikTok and Instagram Reels. If you're wondering why your skin isn't caring, lack of sleep might be the culprit.

It substantially affects your skincare routine, impacting both the health and appearance of your skin.

Lack of sleep can diminish the effectiveness of your skincare routine, leading to increased signs of aging, under-eye dark circles, a dull complexion, heightened skin sensitivity, impaired skin barrier function, and delayed healing, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing sufficient sleep for optimal skin health.

So, before you blame your skincare products, consider giving your skin the rest it deserves.


   6. Your pillowcase.


You might be questioning the relevance of your pillowcase in this article, but the truth is, your pillowcase is the main culprit!

Let me tell you why. 

We carefully follow skincare routines, staying committed, investing in premium products, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, all in pursuit of that elusive glowing complexion. However, there's a subtle yet crucial aspect often overlooked in our skincare journey – the humble pillowcase.

Surprising as it may sound, this unassuming piece of bedding can significantly influence the health and appearance of our skin.

The role of the pillowcase should not be underestimated. It's not just a place to rest your head; it's a crucial factor that can either aid or hinder your skincare efforts. By paying attention to the cleanliness and material of your pillowcase, you create a more favorable environment for your skin to thrive, bringing you one step closer to that coveted healthy glow.

So, the next time you ponder over your skincare routine, remember, your pillowcase might just be the unsung hero or the main culprit in your skincare journey.

Here are some of the best pillowcase materials to use for optimal skincare benefits: pillowcases with smooth surfaces like silk, satin, or high-quality cotton.

Stay away from irritation and lumps and bumps that can rub harshly on the skin. A soft, non-absorbent material will let your skincare products work most effectively overnight.



Having explored the reasons behind the disconnect between your skincare efforts and your skin's response, it's crucial to start by understanding your skin.

Wondering how to do this? Schedule a session with ftbworld or cick here for more. We'll guide you in discovering the products that best suit your unique skin type.

Also note that patience is key. It's not only about the products you apply; it's about gaining knowledge and actively caring for your skin. Foster a balanced relationship for a healthier, more radiant complexion.


I love this, and I give you a big kudos ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Weldone I gained a lot from it ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’–โค๏ธโค๏ธ



9 months ago

Weldone Jane๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Ifeoluwa Afuye

9 months ago

Mine has to be my sleep deprivation ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Thank Jeanette!!! This was educative๐Ÿ‘



9 months ago

It's that sleep gan gan that I lack.


Mbanefo Juliet Uju

9 months ago

So much value gained.Thank you Jeanette๐Ÿ™


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