4 Ways Skincare Can Boost Mental Health

The Global Mental Health is declining and it has nothing to do with aging, but rather stems from broader societal and systemic factors. The rate of suicide, depression, anxiety and other forms of mental illness has rapidly increased.  Study shows that over 20 million Nigerians are suffering from mental health decline with a majority of that population being the youth. 

There are a lot of reasons for the massive mental health decline from stress to depression, to hereditary diseases, etc. Whatever the case, having a good skincare routine can help you drastically improve your mental health.

The act of caring for your skin goes beyond surperficial needs.  In this article, we will explore four compelling ways in which your skincare routine can significantly enhance your mental health.


Amid the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to neglect self-care. We often prioritize our professional commitments, household chores, business, and various responsibilities, leaving little time for ourselves. This is where skincare can play a vital role. Establishing a skincare routine is like gifting yourself a daily self-care ritual.

Think about it – when you engage in skincare, you allocate a specific time each day to focus on yourself. The act of cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and perhaps even applying serums or masks becomes an intentional act of self-love. It's a moment in your day that's reserved just for you, a period when you can slow down and concentrate on nurturing your skin and, by extension, your mental well-being.

The structure that a skincare routine provides can be incredibly grounding. It allows you to regain a sense of control in a world filled with menace and chaos. By committing to this daily practice, you establish a predictable pattern that can reduce anxiety and stress. This consistency can be especially comforting during uncertain times when so much of life feels unpredictable.

2. Mindful Relaxation

Skincare is not merely a utilitarian task; it can be a form of mindfulness and relaxation. The act of applying skincare products with intention and awareness can turn a mundane daily chore into a tranquil escape from the stresses of life. 

This approach is akin to meditation, in which you immerse yourself in the present moment.

When you apply a cleanser, for instance, focus on the sensation of the cool or warm water on your skin, the texture of the product, and the gentle massaging motion as you cleanse your face. Each step of your skincare routine offers an opportunity for mindfulness. As you apply toner, feel the refreshing tingle on your skin. When you moisturize, take a moment to savor the luxurious texture and the soothing scent.

Incorporating mindfulness into your skincare routine can be a powerful tool for managing stress. It encourages you to detach from the endless stream of thoughts about the past and future and to be fully present in the here and now. This can lead to a state of relaxation and calm, allowing your mental health to flourish.

3. Confidence Boost

The relationship between self-esteem and mental health is well-documented. When you feel good about yourself, your mental well-being tends to improve. One of the most visible ways that skincare contributes to mental health is by boosting your confidence through clear and healthy skin.

The daily practice of skin care, coupled with the right products for your skin type, can lead to significant improvements in your skin's condition. Over time, you may notice a more even skin tone, reduced blemishes, and enhanced hydration. As your skin improves, so does your self-esteem.

Feeling confident in your appearance can have a profound impact on your mental state. You'll feel more at ease in social situations, less self-conscious, and more willing to engage with others. A boost in self-esteem can also empower you to tackle challenges and pursue your goals with a newfound vigor.

Skincare is a simple yet effective way to invest in your self-esteem. When you look in the mirror and see clearer, healthier skin, you're likely to feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. This, in turn, can contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

4. Sensory Soothing

Skincare engages not only your sense of touch but also your sense of smell, creating a multi-sensory experience that can be incredibly soothing. The aroma of your skincare products, from floral scents to earthy fragrances, can transport you to a world of relaxation.

The tactile experience of applying products to your skin, combined with the aromatic journey, mimics the principles of aromatherapy and even elements of massage therapy. As you work your skincare routine into your daily life, it can become a sensory sanctuary, a space in which you unwind and let go of stress.

Imagine closing your eyes, breathing in the calming scent of lavender-infused moisturizer, and gently massaging it into your skin. This sensory experience can trigger a relaxation response in your body. It's a small but powerful form of self-care that, over time, can contribute to improved mental health.

In conclusion, skincare is far more than a surface-level endeavor. It's a holistic practice that can have a profound impact on your mental health.

By establishing a skincare routine as a daily self-care ritual, engaging in mindful relaxation, boosting your self-esteem, and experiencing sensory soothing, you're not only caring for your skin but also nourishing your mental well-being.

So, embrace the therapeutic power of skincare, and watch as it transforms your daily life and contributes to a healthier, happier you.

Remember, self-care is an ongoing journey, and skincare can be your trusty companion along the way, leading you toward a state of enhanced mental health and well-being.

Beginning your skincare journey can be daunting and confusing. You need the help of an expert to carefully guide you as you walk through this great path.

Book a 30 mins consultation call with us today on our Instagram handle @ftbglownigeria or click here for more details. Thank you!

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